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Light bulbs die my sweet. I will depart. - Magorium

Love Story

Every morning, always there, always waiting for his slumbered touch. It’s the wee hour of the morning. He reaches down looking to find her lying by his side on the carpeted floor. This morning his hand finds emptiness; a reminder of the rip in his heart and soul.

He weeps.

How to convey the depth and breath of this love story: he, never without her, her, never without him. It was an unspoken vocabulary of touch and eye contact.

It was magic. It was devotion. It was selfless. It was companionship. It was pure joy.

It was the deepest love ever.

It was an unbreakable bond.

The last days of the unbreakable bond.

The last days of the unbreakable bond.

"My most favorite place in the world."

“My most favorite place in the world.”

The Unbreakable Bond

Love Story


  1. 4myty

    Oh my goodness, I am in tears here. Those pictures are priceless. That is only one of my regets, I did not have a lot of me and Ty pictures. Oh, but I spent many, many moments in those exact postures snuggling with a big, lovable Black Lab. These pictures are treasures! Lori and Ty

    • harmony

      Bless your heart my friend. I’m crying with you. <3

  2. mom2shelby

    My heart aches for you …. I love your blog! Thank you for sharing … I have so many of those photos of me and my best girl – Shelby. Much love!

    • harmony

      I’m still learning my way around here. Slowly but surely checking everyone’s blogs and pics. I’m looking forward to seeing yours! I just ain’t got it all figured out yet! LOL!

  3. benny55

    Testing….still asking for my url…have no idea what it is…Alison said it should fill in automatically

  4. benny55

    Okay! Looks like it went through!!!

    Harmony’s blogs have all touched my heart so deeply. The divine grace you have shown during this whole journey touches my heart.

    Yes, it is a magical love story that has no ending. These pictures show the love, the bond. And I love seeing the blur of Harmony’s wagging tail in the second pocture! Such a happy moment! Those are the moments Harmony wants you to remember.

    Thank you for sharing this lovely heartfelt lost today. You articulate feelings of the heart beautifully.

    Hugs to you, Melody and hub-a-dub too!

    • harmony

      Oh Sally I’m so glad it worked! I was really starting to worry that I’d been doing something wrong.
      Thank you so much for the kind words. I’ve been wanting the hub-a-dub to read my heart, but he’s just not there yet. Bless his heart. xoxo

  5. Christine

    I am soooo glad you are sharing Harmony’s story here… because we want to know all about her!!!

    And… it’s part of the healing process for yourself as well! I kept on with Franklin’s blog even though he has been gone for 18 months now… after all.. he’s Mr. Wilson’s guardian angel.. and I like to share pictures of Franklin and stories as well..
    Keep sharing… we love it!!
    Christine… with Franklin in her heart♥

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