It’s been a little over 10 years since our Harmony left us, but what a wonderful legacy. I can’t begin to explain the love and wisdom she taught us.
Now our Double-Stuff Oreo has joined her. Melody (far right in photo) was the first to leave in June of 2024. Kingston (middle) left us the following August with Meesha (far left) joining them in January of this year.
So many emotions to wrangle, but I can say positively; the dept of love is also the same depth of sorrow. That same depth we celebrate in joy knowing they aren’t suffering any more. And lastly, the depth of gratitude allowing us to be part of the pack is lasting.
As is the sweetness of an oversized cookie, so was the gift of our Double-stuff Oreo.
In memorandum, Rainbow Bridge citizens:
Harmony – 11/1/2014 (7 yo)
Melody – 6/26/2024 (14 yo)
Kingston – 8/17/2024 (13 yo)
Meesha – 1/13/2025 (14 yo)

We’re so sorry for your loss, but thank you for checking in with the update. ❤️
Pam, my heart hurts for you and Ron. I’m so sorry about Oreo. You’ve been hit with such loss over the past year! And it’s such an honor that you came here to let us know. It’s tough to put this kind of experience into words.
Thank you for sharing the love and adventures you had with your beautiful, sweet pack. You put it so eloquently above, there is such depth to our relationships with the dogs we call family.
I hope that some day you will find the perfect critter to bring into your pack, even if it’s through fostering. You have so much love and wisdom to share!
Oh Pam, so much heartache too close together. So very, very sorry.
I know Harmony was there to greet all of them and show them all the joy and happiness The Rainbow Bridge has to offer.
I agree with Rene, you have said everything so eloquently
Even while grieving, you always find such a beautiful way to express the feeling in your heart and always honor the joy Harmony, Melody, Meesha and Kingston shared with you. I assure you, they all took your love with them♥️ ‘Citizens of the Rainbow Bridge”……I like that.
With love and light
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
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