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Light bulbs die my sweet. I will depart. - Magorium

Harmony’s Goodbye

I don’t know if anyone remembers, but when Harmony had her one-and-only chemo treatment, the hub-a-dub was out of town. I was terrified I couldn’t get her there without injuring her. So, my friend, who used to be a vet-tech, took the day off work and spent the day with Harmony and I to help out. What a God send!

Any-hoo, when Harmony was done with her chemo we picked her up and got her the most glorious cheeseburger, EVER. My friend loved watching her in the back seat so much that she took a photo of her leaning, looking out the window, happy as could be after having all that nasty fluid drawn and eating the most delicious cheeseburger in the world.

Harmony departed this plane just 2 very short days later. After a few weeks, my friend said, “Let me know when you’re ready to see the picture I took in the car.” In all my grief, I had forgotten that she took that photo. But on the other hand, I knew I wasn’t ready to see it yet either.

Last week, I felt I was ready and asked her to forward it to me. What a great picture. Its quality isn’t very good, but I immediately knew what I was seeing.

Harmony’s posture and the way she is looking back at the lens; I see her saying, “I’m not long for this world.” And there’s a glare at the top of her head as if the Pearly Gates are starting to crack open, preparing for her arrival. She’s looking back at me, “I love you, but you have to let me go, it’s time. Don’t worry, I’ll wait for you.”

I’ve read or heard somewhere that some cultures have odd practices when it comes to photography. Some believe that when a photograph is snapped, it takes a piece of your soul. Others don’t believe in taking pictures (e.g., landscapes, inanimate objects, etc.) without a person being in the frame. In Harmony’s case, she had an agenda. She was sending me a message; delayed-delivery until the time was right. Right, because now I can see because grief isn’t blinding me. Right, because my support system, Melody and now Meesha, keep my attention where it should be; here, in the present, being more dog. Right, because my heart has started a new chapter.

She’s waiting for me and that makes me so very happy.

Good bye, see you later!

Good bye, see you later!



  1. penny4weims

    That is so sweet. Harmony is saying “LOVE THE BURGER” Now she has endless burgers in the drive thru in Heaven. And you have a really nice friend who took the picture.

    • harmony

      Yes Penny, she is a great friend. I owe so much to her. Thank you for your kind words. You guys really have helped me in the healing process. – Pam

  2. leland4


    I’m starting to get teary eyed over here reading this. And the picture…oh my goodness what a treasured gift!! Harmony is truly angelic with the rays of the sun shining down on her! Yeah…I don’t think I could have looked at the picture so soon after her passing either. Harmony knew when you’d be ready.

    Sahana and her Angel Leland

    • harmony

      Thank you Sahana! It took me a while to be able to put my feelings down because of the tears. But every day, it gets better and better. The joy she brought us is so evident in our hearts. The bad days are starting to fade. I miss her so much, just like you miss your Leland. You know they’ve got to be best pals at the Bridge! LOL! – Pam

  3. alison

    WOW…. you can write so beautifully. I am in awe of how you process things. And speak your feelings and emotions. This brings tears to my eyes but what a beautiful photo. Definitely the heavens opening up and waiting for their sweet Harmony. “My heart opened a new chapter’ – this spoke to me on so many levels. Thank you for sharing! Peace and love, always!

    • harmony

      Thank you so much Alison. By-the-by, “Alison” is one of my favorite names.
      My friend gave me the photo one day last week and it’s taken me a while to write about it. When I saw the sun glare at the top of her head it took my breath away.
      Thanks again!

  4. benny55

    Yeah, tears are flowing, but partly because of the beauty and grace that comes shining through in this
    surreal picture. Harmonis bathed in the light of love and peace. This really is a photo of what grace looks like!!

    She speaks volumes in that pictures, that’s for sure. One thing I see in the look is pure contentment and peace on a soul level. It also speaks volumes about the best cheesburger EVER!!!!

    I’m so glad you have this lovely treasure and the comfort it brings you.

    The look of contentment, the Divine Light gently surrounding her……showing her the way…. beautiful.

    We all love you dearly Pam and we thank you for sharing this very special moment. Anytime I even hear the word cheeseburger now I will grin ear to ear and think of our happy Harmony girl!!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

    • harmony

      You are just a jewel. I’ve got a feeling there’ll be a special honor for you at the Bridge. St. Francis will probably make you his assistant.
      Yes, I too will never look at a cheeseburger the same again. I feel the same way about the doggy latte, which I have yet to take my girls to experience.
      WOOT! xoxo

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