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Light bulbs die my sweet. I will depart. - Magorium


As the quote at the top of this page implies, we have started a new story with the addition of Meesha, a Lapitor (Lab/Pit). I thought at first it would be difficult, feeling like I had replaced Harmony because she reminds me so much of her, but she brings a new dynamic to our pack.

Meesha is a rescue from a hoarder and came with “baggage”. It’s the baggage that keeps us on our toes and reminds us every pup has their own personality whether by breed, litter number, or environmental factors.

For example, because Meesha spent the first few years of her life in a cage, her canine tips are wore down from biting at her bars. She also has back/hip problems due to that prison being too small for her. When we first read her story online, it was communicated that she was only around 3 years old. At our first meeting I noted her muzzle was grey, much like that of a senior pooch. But the vet says that she’s prematurely grey, to me that only reiterates the abuse she suffered.

Another one of our observations is Meesha wasn’t afforded the things that most dogs do naturally. She doesn’t know how to “mark”. That in itself is actually a good thing, except she will hold her bladder sometimes as long as 24 hours. She will hold #2 as long as 3 days. We were a wee bit successful in trying to recondition her. I thought it kinda funny that we had to reward her for going to the bathroom, LOL. She continues to improve, but can’t be left in the house unattended. We’ve found this conditioning the hardest to break.

AND she will eat/chew everything as if she’s going through a delayed puppy stage. We don’t dare drop a single thing or leave anything laying around for the fear of her eating it. She’s quick. We dropped a paper towel yesterday and it was gone in seconds. Yet she is the most delicate thing when taking food from our fingers. That big ole pit bull mouth will gently nibble a cheerio while Mel (Melody) would take your fingers off!

Her personality is just wonderful and it’s my understanding from her foster mom that it has just recently come out after months of nurturing foster care. She’s quite lovely. With the black of a Labrador and the single coat of a Pit, she is very stunning. And her eyes: I would have to say they’re the most gentle eyes I’ve ever seen on a dog, even Harmony’s.

It’s no coincidence that we all equate our fur-babies as children because they’re like kids who mentally never grow up. It’s as if they’re stuck at the human age of 4. That’s like having a preschooler for many years. With that said, I also recognize that any kind of abuse forever changes the adult human or dog. No matter what kind of abuse it was, the outcome is typically the same. Meesha challenges us every day. There’s always something that changes or pops up as a result of her earlier life.

Even with all of her baggage, I can see balance. She brings a center to our pack that we desperately needed. She shows us love and companionship. She plays with Mel as if they were born attached at the hip. She moans and sighs in approval as she lays her head in our lap.

Meesha brings our home, Harmony.


Melody and Meesha

Melody and Meesha


  1. mom2shelby

    I loved this blog post … Truly. I ressonnated with so much of what you said. The baggage. It makes so much sense for little Jasper. Her holding her pee ALL day because she won’t mark in the house and probably doesn’t know how. The aloofness. The withdrawn. Jasper was in a hoarding house too but she wasn’t (as far as I know) in a crate. I love how Meesha has embraced her life. She does have beautiful eyes and a soul you can see…. she deserve and gives so much love! Thank you for sharing. I love how you write and describe things. Truly beautiful! Much love,
    alison (spirit Shelby and little jasper lily too)

    • harmony

      You are just the sweetest thing Alison.

      You, JL and Shelby have been in my thoughts a lot lately. Your Shelby Anniversary is coming up on the 8th and I know this milestone is pressing on your heart. There’s not a single person in this community that doesn’t get it. So on that day, we’ll be there with one hand on our own heart and the other on your shoulder. Just close your eyes and you’ll feel us all there with you. xoxo

  2. benny55

    heart does a little edtra flutter when I see Harmon

    • harmony

      I know what you mean Sally. There are times I see Harmony in Meesha, but then she’ll do something totally off-the-wall. Then I chuckle.

      I kid you not, last night she discovered a ball that quickly became her favorite. Like a puppy, she played and played and played until I finally had to take it away from her. Then she just sat and stared at me for about an hour. It was the funniest thing, something Harmony wouldn’t have done.

  3. 4myty

    What beautiful pups! What a beautiful tribute!

    • harmony

      Thank you so much! I think they’re quite beautiful as well, but then I am a bit biased! LOL!

  4. benny55

    Testing…..for whatever reason my plst isntq going through….or just the first paet of a sentence. I wrote more than that!!

    • harmony

      No worries Sally, I was having major problems yesterday as well. I had a few this morning, but they appear to have been resolved. (keeping fingers crossed)

  5. jerry

    Sorry about the connectivity issues yesterday, we’re looking into it.

    Meanwhile, I have to say “YAAAAY!” at this beautiful look at Messha, your pack and the unconditional exchange of love and companionship between all of you. It takes a VERY special human to appreciate the gifts that even the most challenged dogs bring to a household. You’ve got it down early, kudos to all of you.

    She is so wonderful. And OH those eyes! I’ll bet every day, every second she is filled with gratitude for being picked by you. Thank you for showing her that humans can be good.

    I hope we get to meet her some day.


    • harmony

      I do too. I’m so totally jealous that there’s a pawty coming up and I can’t be there . . . sniff, sniff.

      Thank you for your kind words. You will never know how much this community means to me! xoxo

  6. Codie Rae

    Harmony brought her to you and she brings your home harmony again. I love that. Thank you for taking on a little girl with so much baggage. Alot of folks wouldn’t have done that. It is so obvious that this is the start of a great relationship and and a great life for Meesha! <3 <3 <3

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