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Light bulbs die my sweet. I will depart. - Magorium

The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long. – Lao Tzu

Why do we live on a planet where each life, whether plant or animal, has its own unique life expectancy?

Every day I come to the Tripawd Forums and read about the loss of another fur baby. Rarely do I ever get online and not feel the rage and heartbreak over the premature delivery of another innocent to the Rainbow Bridge.

We would be better humans if we were more dog.

And they are innocents! Never, ever was there a companion with purer love and devotion than the fur-babies who’ve come in-and-out of our lives. Their capacity to love through any emotion we throw at them is unfathomable. To wag their tail or greet us with a “kiss” when they’ve just come out of surgery or chemo is truly love in the purest form. And what about all those sweet rescued souls who lived lives of abuse and neglect? Whether they hobble across the floor or run, the outcome is the same; unrequited devotion.

We should be more dog.

But the truth is, their lives weren’t meant to be as long as ours. Maybe it’s because we were charged in the Garden of Eden to take care of the plants and animals. We can’t do that if our life expectancy is short. There are so many more in need and my heart has plenty of room.

There is a price to be paid for such a love. Harmony gave of it freely as did all the others. I can only hope to live by their example.

Be more dog.

R.I.P. Saint Harmony

R.I.P. Saint Harmony


  1. rascallyadventures

    I come here and read the grief of others, cry a bit in shared understanding, and then my Rascal licks my face.

    Be more dog indeed.

    Rascal and Co.

    • harmony


  2. mom2shelby

    OMG … this is a beautiful post … and so true. Definitely I strive to be ‘more dog’ … Shelby’s lessons live on in me daily.

    Much love!
    Alison with Spirit Shelby and little Jasper Lily

    • harmony

      To you and JL as well!

  3. benny55

    Pam, our lovely Pam, thank you for always sharing your enlightened insight.

    Zen Master Mr. Tzo surely had Harmony in mind when he was guided to this sentiment!

    Pam, you are a STELLAR example of giving love so freely, so selflessly…just like Harmony. The u unrequited devotion she gave you, you gave her in return. And you give to all the members here in your support and your compassion.

    I marvel at the commitment you have to helping others here when Harmony’s earth journey was so swiftly brought to an end. So few, so very, very few are able to continue to share the life affirming legacy like you have under similar circumstances.

    It just shows the UNBREAKABLE bond you and Harmony have. The soul deep understanding of who Harmony is and why she came into your loves…our lives. And no, not just to eat cheeseburgers!

    I remember your post in “signs” and how eloquently you wrote about them. I think the blog went down before I got to respond, but that was yet another path to a SIGN of enlightenment that Harmony opened up for you.

    You ARE dog Pam! 🙂 And only those of us in this journey see that as THE highest compliment one can receive!!

    The picture you shared with Lao Tzu’s quote is such a great way to celebrate Harmony’s eternal light. However, I don’t believe a light that shines as brightly as hers can ever be dimmed!

    Thank you for being here Pam. Your contributions are invaluable.

    Sending love to you, Hub-a-dub, Meesha and Sweet Harmony 🙂

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

    • harmony

      Sweet, sweet Sally, it was you guys that pulled me from the depth of despair when I was terrified beyond means when we were facing insurmountable grief. I will never be able to repay the debt; I can only pay it forward. xoxoxo

  4. Anonymous

    This is so beautiful, so so beautiful.

  5. elizabeth

    I forgot to sign in when I read this, so it posted as anonymous. My head is in a fog but I really do love this post. It hits home, so beautiful

    • harmony

      I’ve had you on my heart and mind. xoxo

  6. Codie Rae

    Such a beautiful post and so true. Every day I look to my pups for their lessons in how to be more dog. I am learning but it is a slooooow process 🙂 Thank you so much Pam, for still being here and paying it forward. Every time you make a post that helps someone in need (or that makes us all laugh) you are honoring Harmony, her life, and the love between you.
    Martha, Codie Rae, and the OP

    • harmony

      You are so kind. I’ve really been missing Harmony this week. But you guys always pull me through. xoxo

  7. Michelle

    Beautiful, “Be more Dog” is so right. Thank you so much for sharing and paying it forward. Staying here sometimes is hard to do. Some times we just have to have that break once in awhile but paying it forward is what I hope I am doing in memory of Sassy.

    Missing our kids is hard. I know this month & next are going to be tough for me. In fact already is.. Sometimes I feel like running away but I know that isn’t being more Dog. Not what my pack is teaching me.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

    • harmony

      I am right there with you Michelle. Some mornings I sign on and have to immediately sign off because the reading of suffering is sometimes unbearable. Then there are the days I spend with a Kleenex box next to my computer; all in the memory of Harmony and Sassy and Ty and Shelby and Hannah and Jerry . . . and . . . and . . . and . . . . . . . . .

  8. 4myty

    I agree, this is beautiful! Love the picture! All of my dogs have brought something special to my life. Some have burrowed a tad deeper into my heart, but I have loved them all! The comfort and devotion they have brought have been irreplaceable. The excitement to see me even if I have just been outside for 10 minutes. Hugs to you, Lori, Ty & Gang

    • harmony

      Lori – I remember when I first joined Tripawds your posts of your black labs reminded me so much of our Harmony. I realized how much in common I had with everyone here because it was so easy to see the love. <3<3

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