Such a convoluted, oxy-moron title, but life has gone on with (and without) Harmony.
November 1st (Day of the Dead) will be Harmony’s angelversary. It’s hard to imagine how much can happen in just a two year span, but time waits for no one, especially grieving pawrents.
Although 2 years older now, Melody is still just as adorable as she’s always been. I look into her eyes (yes, the only pup I know that will gaze back with love) and pray that when her time comes that she never has to suffer as Harmony did. She’s very reserve and quiet and won’t present any symptoms unless absolutely necessary. This makes me nervous because I don’t want to know when it’s too late that she’s been hurting in any form-or-fashion. But for now, she seems healthy and content.

Mel chillin’ with Dad
On the other hand, our Meesha, who we adopted a month after losing Harmony, can stub her toe and will come running to us whining as if to get a “make it all better kiss”. It truly is hilarious at times, but I never, ever thought about how different doggie-personalities can be. Meesha is so loving, crazy and loves to do zoomies, whereas she ignites the “border” part in Mel to try and “herd” her.

“Where’s my treats?”

Meesha enjoying her luvin’s.
And then there’s Kingston, a British Golden; 84 lbs. of hair, slobber and stink. I call him Doublestuff most of the time because that’s what it looks like when laying between Mel (62 lbs.) and Meesha (72 lbs.), like a Double Stuff Oreo.

“I know it’s cleaner over there, but I want to lay right here in this mud ’cause I’m white!”
We didn’t adopt him. We’ve been more like foster pawrents. His owner ran into bad times and asked if we would take him until she got back on her feet. That’s been more than 6 months ago and I’m not sure his “mommy” will ever come back for him. It’s sad, but he doesn’t know ‘cause his life is filled with love and promises that he’s a part of our pack. He is just the sweetest thing you’ll ever meet; not a mean bone in his body. Not the brightest thing either, but, like my sister-in-love would say, “At least he’s purdy.” LOL!
Anyway, having 218 lbs. of puppy luv keeps the void that Harmony left, full of hope and laughter.
Harmony has been tugging on my heart especially hard this week. I’m sad, but not in a grieving way. It’s more to do with the realization that all our fur-babies will leave us eventually.
Harmony’s message? Enjoy every fur-ball, lick, look, bark, and growling minute you have with them for tomorrow comes so much quicker for them than it does for us.
Love you guys.

Harmony Watching It Rain
This is beautiful 😢💜
Awww such a sweet sentiment. I am thinking about you. I know how hard these Angelversaries are
Michelle & Angel Sassy
Such sweet and individual characters Harmony sent you. Dogs do teach us to live life full out each and every day and not worry about the tomorrow’s of life. Thinking of your special Harmony today along with you. Hugs!
Oh Pam, everything about this is beautiful and, yes, a little bittersweet too. Harmony’s banner, exquisite picture, the quote…all so poignant.
One thing we know with certainty, is Harmony would not have changed one thing about her life, her time leading up to transition, and all the time in between, if it meant she couldn’t have been loved by you and the Hubba Dub! Ehat seems so brutally unfair and cruel to us, is nust something Harmony was willing to go through so she could be loved and spoiled and hugged by you.
And my goodness, she certainly is havw a lot of laughs as she watches all the different personalities you are dealing with!
Meesha certainly hit the jackpot with you! Harmony sent you someone who needed to be cuddled and babied because she knew you were the perfect fit!! She is soooooo cute!!
The photo of the Hubba Dub hugging beautiful Mel reminded me of how he and Harmony liked to snuggle. So sweet.
The caption under “DoubleStuff’s picture is PRICELESS and spot on!! I’m so glad he has you to nuture and care for him. It’s clear he’s meant to be with you and his Oreo packmates!
Pam, your beautiful sweet Harmony will NEVER be forgotten here! As I’ve said a million times, her name says so much about who she was born to be and the lessons she came here to teach.
And I do think of her with a smile everytime I see a Monkey Sock!!
Lots of love always…ALWAYS!!
Sally and My Chunky Spiritual Being Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
Oh Pam…. I love your blog…. so insightful, so full of wisdom, cute little nuggets (she’s purdy) and just overall love and happy and sad at the same time. I love how Harmony continues to send the best messages about being more dog and living in the moment. Don’t we all know that if we could go back and change things OR make sure the same things don’t happen again. But to be a dog … to fully LOVE each moment of every day… what a gift! A gift that lives on in our fur-babies through those that came before them.
Two years is a long and short time … I know it was a tough one for me too. But I let the spirit of Shelby guide me and I know Harmony has her paws out the for you too! Sending you love!!!
Alison with Spirit Shelby in her heart (and little Jasper too)
What a great pack you have! While I am such there will always be a hole in your heart for Harmony, it sounds like your life is filled with love and joy.