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Light bulbs die my sweet. I will depart. - Magorium


As this busy year comes to a close I find myself here reflecting.

Many of you probably have noticed my absence, but please know it wasn’t intentional. It’s just been so dang crazy these past few months and trying to find time to “talk” to everyone has been a challenge. Add to that my pooter problems; sometimes I could post, sometimes not so much. Don’t even ask me what the problem(s) was ‘cause I still ain’t got it all figured out.

When the email notification policy changed (no verbiage of the comments posted on forums I subscribe to), I pretty much lost my ability to keep up with everything and everybody. I totally understand the change. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to manage the great

Any-hoo, all y’all have been on my mind and heart. When I do get online to touch base, I see all the amazing work everyone does to help those in need of support. It’s very much like my first post when I was filled with terror and anxiety over Harmony’s journey. I can’t say I would have made it if it weren’t for all y’all. And as much as I want to be there for the newbies, please accept my apologies for being absent. It truly isn’t intentional.

With all that said, I wanted to share what Tripawds has taught me.

I have a friend who’s fur-baby recently was diagnosed with MCT. When I found out, I immediately gave her the link to Tripawds so she could read up on those experiences with canine cancer. She was devastated upon the news, but after reading the journeys on Tripawds (she never joined) she came back the next day and revealed that it helped her immensely. With some new-found knowledge, she went to her vet armed with a better understanding and not nearly as petrified. Now her fur-baby is on prednisone and doing wonderfully.

Then, just a couple of weeks ago, my niece found out one of her fur-babies had osteo and had to have a rear leg removed. We’ve had an ongoing conversation regarding her concerns for recovery and what to expect. The good news, the leg was all that was involved with cancer and the pup is expected to recover completely. I saw her (the fur-baby) on Christmas Eve and she was the most loveable, sweetest thing; obviously no pain and very happy to get some well-deserved loving. As expected, she’s still having mobility issues, but I predict by New Year she’ll be back to ruling the country acreage they live on.

Sadly, I’ve also had a few friends who’ve lost their fur-babies within the last few months. One had lost her two pups just weeks apart. I think all y’all will agree; unless you’ve lost a pet, it’s difficult to understand what another goes through. Losing our Harmony has allowed me to comfort others.

So, here’s my toast to all you wonderful pawrents of the Tripawd Nation. For all the love, support and friendship you’ve selflessly offered to complete strangers: May your cup always be full of slobber (love) garnished with fur balls (joy). There is a special place at the Bridge for saints such as yourself. St. Frances ain’t got nothing on y’all.


ps – Harmony came to visit us last week in the form of a three-legged buck. How’s that for a sign!!??


ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz . . . .

Mel and her Dad taking a nap.


  1. Michelle

    xoxoxoxo . Sometimes our lives lead us in a different direction for awhile or computer problems don’t help lol. We are always still here no matter what. I

    It sure sounds like Harmony’s journey has let you help others in many different ways. I am glad you came back and gave us an update.
    Here is to you Pam helping others

    Hugs xoxoxox
    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  2. otisandtess


    You and Harmony are always with us!

  3. benny55

    Okay, I have to admit, when you mentioned “pooter” problems, I had a whole ‘nother scenario going on in my head, and it wasn’t about comPOOTers!!

    The House of Harmony is ALWAYS here whethernyiu are “signed in” or not. Sweet Harmony, and your love for Sweet Harmony and hers for you, yeah, that is furever around here! 🙂

    That photo of Mel and your hub a dub….priceless!!

    And Pam, a huge toast right back to ya’! For you to stay here and provide the insight you’ve gained from Harmony’s journey is TRULY a very, very selfless act of compassion!! And your wonderful wit, as well as your wisdom, makes your connection here even more spectacular!!! HARMONY IS SO PROUD!!!
    OMD!! The Tripawd Derr ks DEFINITELY, DEFINITELY, a big “I’m here!” from Harmony!!! WOW! Amazing!!

    Lots and lots of love always!!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  4. benny55

    Oh gosh!!! Holy s**t Batman!!! I just realized I had not see your “cick on” showing pictures of Harmony as a REGAL tripawd and all the DELIGHTFUL pictures in her album!!! Those photos of snuggling with you….the connection….the love…..BEAUTIFUL!!!

    Seeing these made my day!!! So many happy memories!! I just love Sweet Harmony! LOOOOVE HER!! Ner gentle spirit comes shining through!!

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