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Light bulbs die my sweet. I will depart. - Magorium

♫ As Time Goes By ♫

It’s spring again! And boy have things changed since my last post over five years (I can’t believe it’s been that long) ago.

I have since retired, but whoever said that retirement was time for rest and relaxation was a danged-ole liar! Holy-granoly!

I nearly lost the hub-a-dub to sepsis during the winter. Those four months are a blur.

During that blur we found out our Melody (14 yo) has a fast-growing spindle cell tumor. Since it was inoperable, we expect to lose her any day. Meesha (13 yo) was diagnosed with IVDD. We were told she will be ‘leaving’ us soon as well. Doublestuff (aka Kingston 12yo) has serious mobility issues. A survivor of MCT, he’s healthy as a horse, but can barely get up and walk on his own.

Mariah Carey (6 yo) is doing great. She’s a handful, but she’s the sunshine in all the dreary.

As our puppers near the end, I’m reminded of the responsibility we accept when we add them to our families. And as the hub-a-dub and I get closer to our inevitable end, it’s a fact, we have to remember our responsibility to the fur-babies we leave behind.

I miss ‘talking’ to everyone here and I hope this post finds y’all enjoying life with your packs. I know it’s a cliche, but things can change quickly: Take pictures. Make notes. Remember to love. And lastly, be prepared.

Complacency is not your friend.

Love to all!!


  1. Sally

    PAAAAMMMMM!!!! OMD!!!! Sooooo good to hear from you, although some of the circumstances aren’t the best
    We can at least celebrate the good news that your hub-a-dib is still with us, as you as well!!!!
    Going to come back later when I can immerse myself more into your post and absorb everything. I just had to get off a quick reply to say how wonderful it is to hear from you. Sweet harmony was such a trooper and so loved. I’ll always remember her Gentle Spirit♥️♥️
    With love
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • harmony

      Hello my sweet friend!! It warms my heart so much to see your post!! I miss you and all our talks but frankly I just don’t know how you have the time to do all that you do. Your heart must be huge!! You’ll never know how much I appreciated your kind and thoughtful guidance. You’re such a wonderful asset to this foundation. xoxoxo

  2. jerry

    Woooooah! Pam! I cannot believe 10 years has gone by in a flash. Harmony was not a Tripawd for long, but her spirit shines brightly on all of us after all these years. I have no doubt she guided many members through the ups and downs of this journey.

    It feels so good to see you here, although I’m sorry you’ve been through such a ruff time lately! Super glad your hubs made it through. Now you can both be there for your sweet fur kids, giving them all the love and care that can be so tricky at this time in life. We went through IVDD with Wyatt Ray, I totally get it.

    But you know how to handle this stage, because you are the most incredible pet parent ever, with a spirit as bright and beautiful as all of your furkids.

    Curious, did you ever have any more visits by Harmony? Any signs?

    I’m just stunned and so happy you posted. Please lean on us my friend. Once a Tripawd Mom, always a Tripawd Mom. xoxoxo

    • harmony


      I know! 10 years went by so dang fast and now we’re losing our Melody as well. We’ve recently signed up with a mobile vet. We live out in the country and getting our puppers to the vet has become a challenge with their mobility issues. The best thing about that is they can be here at a minute’s notice if any of them are suffering. We didn’t have that luxury with Harmony. That’s something she taught us: Be better prepared. It was a Saturday morning when she went into distress and our vet didn’t do weekend emergency calls. We couldn’t get her to the ER which was some distance away. Thankfully, she passed quickly.

      I haven’t seen any signs from Harmony, but then again, I could be too busy to notice. However, I will tell you when I dust her container (I like to think I’m scratching her ear) I always think of you and Tripawds as I hold the little name plate you made for her. I imagine she would come looking for me if I didn’t give her a little ‘pet or scratch’ on a regular basis. LOL!

      I’m so very sorry to hear about Wyatt Ray. I had never heard of IVDD before Meesha was diagnosed. I thought she was having a stroke. The vet said she might go downhill quickly or linger on for months. So far she’s been on the months-side of the diagnosis.

      Lastly, I really don’t know if everyone who is a member or a visitor of this site understand the sacrifice you and your hubby have committed to the well being of not only the tripawds themselves but to those who are trying to care for them. The mental anguish of a Tripawd Mom/Dad is all consuming if it weren’t for earthbound angels such as you guys.

      I do miss ‘seeing’ everyone here. Tripawds will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart.


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