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Light bulbs die my sweet. I will depart. - Magorium

Author: harmony (Page 1 of 3)

I became a mommy to a tripawd on 10/21/14. Harmony was our 9 year old black lab. She was diagnosed with MCT cancer and died shortly after her amputation (11/1/14).

Her step-sister's name is Melody. She thinks she's a lab but we don't tell her any different.

We miss our Harmony terribly. She left a huge hole in our heart and lives.


Yes, you read that correctly. The Rainbow Bridge now has a DOUBLESTUFF ‘Oreo’.

Kingston (big white guy) joined Harmony (black girl) and Melody (black girl) on Saturday. When we first got Kingston and he was standing between the girls I told the hub-a-dub it was like looking at a Doublestuff Oreo. LOL!

Doublestuff (AKA Kingston) had a good life. At 12 years old and sporting a 90-lb body, we think he did well. He was definitely a big ‘ole pile of goofy fur. We always joked it was a good thing he was purdy ‘cause he didn’t have a lick of sense.

Still, we will miss him profoundly. I don’t think folks think about what an empty-nest is like when it starts to void of your fur-kids. It’s not like they’re getting married or going to college.

We are adjusting.

We’ve also made the hard decision to not adopt any more because of our own health/age circumstances. That difficult decision was made after our scare during the first of the year when we nearly lost the hub-a-dub. It certainly wasn’t fair to the puppers to be in the house as long as 12 hours a day while I ran back and forth to ICU daily for 2 weeks. And, doG forbid, I can’t even imagine what would happen to them if something happened to either of us. We have no children or family they can go live with. And we can’t bear the thought of any of them ending up homeless in a shelter.

We still have Meesha and Mariah who keep our hearts in check, thank goodness ’cause this year has been a real heart-jerker.

Love to you all !!


Beautiful Music At the Rainbow Bridge

Our sweet Melody joined Harmony at the Rainbow Bridge last night. We made the difficult decision to end her suffering on this corporal plane.

Our mobile vet came out and honored her passing. There was a raging storm outside as Mel made it known she had left the building. Anyone who knew her knew it was just like her to ‘jump around’ with her new found freedom.

It’s been nearly 10 years since Harmony, Melody’s bonded ‘sister’, left this realm. Mel has been missing her for a long time and is now rejoined. Now they make music for the angels.

For those who look for signs; when I read the paperwork for Melody’s ‘aftercare’, the name on the crematory service is Harmony Hills.

I’ll just leave that right there.

Much love to you all. xoxo

♫ As Time Goes By ♫

It’s spring again! And boy have things changed since my last post over five years (I can’t believe it’s been that long) ago.

I have since retired, but whoever said that retirement was time for rest and relaxation was a danged-ole liar! Holy-granoly!

I nearly lost the hub-a-dub to sepsis during the winter. Those four months are a blur.

During that blur we found out our Melody (14 yo) has a fast-growing spindle cell tumor. Since it was inoperable, we expect to lose her any day. Meesha (13 yo) was diagnosed with IVDD. We were told she will be ‘leaving’ us soon as well. Doublestuff (aka Kingston 12yo) has serious mobility issues. A survivor of MCT, he’s healthy as a horse, but can barely get up and walk on his own.

Mariah Carey (6 yo) is doing great. She’s a handful, but she’s the sunshine in all the dreary.

As our puppers near the end, I’m reminded of the responsibility we accept when we add them to our families. And as the hub-a-dub and I get closer to our inevitable end, it’s a fact, we have to remember our responsibility to the fur-babies we leave behind.

I miss ‘talking’ to everyone here and I hope this post finds y’all enjoying life with your packs. I know it’s a cliche, but things can change quickly: Take pictures. Make notes. Remember to love. And lastly, be prepared.

Complacency is not your friend.

Love to all!!


Spring has always been my favorite time of the year; for me it’s Mother Nature fulfilling the promise of new hopes, new dreams, new beginnings.

For the House of Harmony, spring is all about vet-checks, vaccines, mud and hair . . . A LOT OF MUD and HAIR. Four large puppers, the hub-a-dub, and an unusual wet spring ensures my investment in lint rollers, Febreeze and Skunk Oder Removal (I buy all by the case). On a side-note here, the Skunk Oder Removal stuff is great for the wet dog smell. And on the occasion we deal with skunks (not a matter of if, but when), at least I’ll have it handy. Last time I tried the tomato juice remedy and had the fight the other dogs licking it off the skunked one. Who knew!? We use the Jacuzzi tub to bathe them which is an all-day-affair. If it didn’t traumatize them, I’d turn the dang thing on and “bubble” them clean! LOL!

Mariah (aka – Little Bit, Dumb A–, OMG How Can A Little Dog Stink So Much) went for her check-up earlier this week while Mel (Melody) goes today to have her lumps and bumps evaluated. Because she’s getting older (she just turned 9), she’s starting to have maladies that are most often chalked up as geriatric normalcies. She’s also, thanks to the hub-a-dub, getting “fluffy” which is a cause for fatty tumors. Thanks to Harmony, we don’t take them lightly and have them checked regularly.

Double-stuff (aka – Kingston, Stinkie, Buddy, Big-Boy, also answers to Dumb A–) had a bout with MCT 18 months ago. So far (knocking on all the wood I can see) he hasn’t shown any symptoms of recurrence. MCT is what took our Harmony so we’re vigilant about his well-being. He will turn 7 next month and doesn’t appear to be slowing down. He also is getting very “fluffy”.

Meesha has been in three dog fights in the last six months. The last fight ended with her in the Vet-ER getting stitched up. The garage floor looked like someone had been murdered. We don’t know why she has started bullying Mariah, but Meesha is always on the losing end. Because of this we’ve had to tweak the pack arrangement so that the two are never unsupervised in the pack. It’s been a challenge along with the fact that Mariah has figured out the e-fence and gets out when we’re not watching.

The hub-a-dub retired in September and has taken the job of house-husband (I’m still working) which includes the daily care of the fur-babies (which also explains the sudden rise in fluffiness), bless him. He went from button-down oxfords to a cross between Cousin Eddie and Steve Martin’s character from The Jerk. Really, he did  . . . I have pictures. My mother asked, “Has he forgotten how to use a comb?”  My response was, “As long as he has a hat . . . (shrug shoulders)”

As you can see the House of Harmony is crazy busy on the tamest of days.

Tripawds will never, ever be far from my heart.

I hope spring brings all y’all the love that blooms in the heart of those who choose to hear the birds sing. ♫

Missing But Always Near

I’ve been away. I can’t really put my finger on it, but I think that sometimes I equate this site with the grief of losing Harmony. Today, as I meandered through some of the posts, my heart was twisting as I tried to feel joy for all those fur-babies who have humans to care for them. I tried to feel relief for those who aren’t suffering any more. And lastly I tried to feel compassion for those who have taken on the “journey” whether it be a few days or a few years.

I know that we (and our fur-babies) won’t live forever and I’ve lost friends and family, but I’m perplexed as to why losing Harmony still feels like a raw nerve.

She visited me in a dream last week. It’s the one-and-only time this has happened. In my dream I was broken down on the side of the road of a desolate area. It was dark, lonely and very scary. I got out of my car to look up and down the highway to see others, but there was no headlights in sight. I was panicking when a dark object came toward me. It was Harmony in her favorite blue harness. She looked up at me and I immediately found peace and safety. We walked together side-by-side in the darkness until I woke up. Even now I still feel the ‘warm and fuzzies’ I felt when waking from that dream.

Since my last posting, Kingston (AKA Double-stuff) has had three surgeries for MCT. Thank goodness the tumors were detected early enough to be dealt with surgically. We are now 7 months post-surgery with no recurrences. While we check his flesh regularly, we can’t check his internal organs, but we’re optimistically hoping that we’ve addressed the monster and have put it to bed for a while. He is doing very well. The vet approached us about chemo, but he’s six years old now and, for a British Golden that’s a pretty good age, we decided to keep him as happy as we can. He has already spent three months in-and-out of the hospital with sutures, prescription drugs and E-collars. We felt it was time for him to be a dog. We did have a little side trip to the vet due to him eating a bunch of rocks (Good-God-Gurdy) but with some special meds he was able to pass them all. He’s still eating rocks, but at least it’s not 20 at a time.

We’ve also acquired a fourth fur-baby. Completely unplanned, we rescued a puppy we found eating road kill on the side of the road. Unable to find her human (we think she was dumped) we waited to turn her over to authorities. However, the 2 days we had to wait for the establishment to open, we became attached. We took her to the vet to scan for a chip and also to get her health evaluated. She had a cough, worms and still intact. But before the vet would see her we had to give her a name. And let me tell ya, this girl is very vocal. She can hit notes that would put Mariah Carey to shame.

Meet Mariah Carey Klein:

And the best part of this? Her and Mel play like Mel and Harmony used to play. (comforting warm-fuzzy heavy sigh)

Melody’s Song is Missing Harmony

Well, Harmony’s Angelversary is quickly approaching, but my attention has been on Mel (Melody) lately and the changes she’s gone through since Harmony’s departure.

When we first acquired Mel (dumped out in the country) we couldn’t help but love her. She was very young, spastic and hadn’t grown into her ears yet. Harmony was an 3 year old “only child” and we didn’t know how she would adjust, but our fears were squashed as they immediately began to bond. It was as if Harmony found her missing puzzle piece, hence the name Melody. And for Mel, well Harmony brought peace to her anxiousness. She was much more balanced as long as Harmony was around.

They were so happy together and never was there an ill-grrrr between the two of them.

As the next 4 years came-and-went, they continued to play until Harmony got sick.

For nearly a month, Harmony got all of our attention out of necessity. Poor Mel sat on the sidelines while she not only lost her playmate, but our temporary companionship as well.

She patiently watched and waited.

When the day came, November 1st, Mel very gently sniffed Harmony’s face and walked on. In that moment as my heart was breaking, I wondered how Mel felt knowing that her best bud was gone. I wondered about her mental and emotional pain, or the lack thereof. I wondered about her coping mechanism all the while wishing at that very moment I could be more dog.

Yes, she is blessed to be without human baggage, but I still couldn’t help but be sad for her loss. I anticipated her possible personality changes and became more attentive than ever.

We mourned Harmony, but we also mourned for Melly.

Then we decided Mel needed a new playmate and found Meesha at a local rescue. We assumed they would be best friends, but they never meshed. Meesha treats Mel more like a pet than a playmate. She will lick Mel’s face and ears, but that’s all.

When Double-stuff (aka Kingston) joined the pack, he and Meesha bonded like Harmony and Melody had in the past. It’s a happy thing, but also sad knowing that Mel is still left-out.

Sure, we love on her but as every day passes, the more aloof she becomes or maybe I just notice it a more. When we bring all three fur-babies in from outside, we nearly always have to go look for Mel. Typically she’ll be by herself looking as if she’s waiting on Harmony.

It’s hard to compensate for her absence, but we try.

As we celebrate Harmony’s Angelversary, my heart sings on behalf of our Melody and the joy she brings us every day.



As this busy year comes to a close I find myself here reflecting.

Many of you probably have noticed my absence, but please know it wasn’t intentional. It’s just been so dang crazy these past few months and trying to find time to “talk” to everyone has been a challenge. Add to that my pooter problems; sometimes I could post, sometimes not so much. Don’t even ask me what the problem(s) was ‘cause I still ain’t got it all figured out.

When the email notification policy changed (no verbiage of the comments posted on forums I subscribe to), I pretty much lost my ability to keep up with everything and everybody. I totally understand the change. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to manage the great

Any-hoo, all y’all have been on my mind and heart. When I do get online to touch base, I see all the amazing work everyone does to help those in need of support. It’s very much like my first post when I was filled with terror and anxiety over Harmony’s journey. I can’t say I would have made it if it weren’t for all y’all. And as much as I want to be there for the newbies, please accept my apologies for being absent. It truly isn’t intentional.

With all that said, I wanted to share what Tripawds has taught me.

I have a friend who’s fur-baby recently was diagnosed with MCT. When I found out, I immediately gave her the link to Tripawds so she could read up on those experiences with canine cancer. She was devastated upon the news, but after reading the journeys on Tripawds (she never joined) she came back the next day and revealed that it helped her immensely. With some new-found knowledge, she went to her vet armed with a better understanding and not nearly as petrified. Now her fur-baby is on prednisone and doing wonderfully.

Then, just a couple of weeks ago, my niece found out one of her fur-babies had osteo and had to have a rear leg removed. We’ve had an ongoing conversation regarding her concerns for recovery and what to expect. The good news, the leg was all that was involved with cancer and the pup is expected to recover completely. I saw her (the fur-baby) on Christmas Eve and she was the most loveable, sweetest thing; obviously no pain and very happy to get some well-deserved loving. As expected, she’s still having mobility issues, but I predict by New Year she’ll be back to ruling the country acreage they live on.

Sadly, I’ve also had a few friends who’ve lost their fur-babies within the last few months. One had lost her two pups just weeks apart. I think all y’all will agree; unless you’ve lost a pet, it’s difficult to understand what another goes through. Losing our Harmony has allowed me to comfort others.

So, here’s my toast to all you wonderful pawrents of the Tripawd Nation. For all the love, support and friendship you’ve selflessly offered to complete strangers: May your cup always be full of slobber (love) garnished with fur balls (joy). There is a special place at the Bridge for saints such as yourself. St. Frances ain’t got nothing on y’all.


ps – Harmony came to visit us last week in the form of a three-legged buck. How’s that for a sign!!??


ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz . . . .

Mel and her Dad taking a nap.

Life Without Harmony

Such a convoluted, oxy-moron title, but life has gone on with (and without) Harmony.

November 1st (Day of the Dead) will be Harmony’s angelversary. It’s hard to imagine how much can happen in just a two year span, but time waits for no one, especially grieving pawrents.

Although 2 years older now, Melody is still just as adorable as she’s always been. I look into her eyes (yes, the only pup I know that will gaze back with love) and pray that when her time comes that she never has to suffer as Harmony did. She’s very reserve and quiet and won’t present any symptoms unless absolutely necessary. This makes me nervous because I don’t want to know when it’s too late that she’s been hurting in any form-or-fashion. But for now, she seems healthy and content.

Mel chillin' with Dad

Mel chillin’ with Dad

On the other hand, our Meesha, who we adopted a month after losing Harmony, can stub her toe and will come running to us whining as if to get a “make it all better kiss”. It truly is hilarious at times, but I never, ever thought about how different doggie-personalities can be. Meesha is so loving, crazy and loves to do zoomies, whereas she ignites the “border” part in Mel to try and “herd” her.

"Where's my treat?"

“Where’s my treats?”

Meesha enjoying her luvin's.

Meesha enjoying her luvin’s.

And then there’s Kingston, a British Golden; 84 lbs. of hair, slobber and stink. I call him Doublestuff most of the time because that’s what it looks like when laying between Mel (62 lbs.) and Meesha (72 lbs.), like a Double Stuff Oreo.

"I know it's cleaner over there, but I want to lay right here in this mud!"

“I know it’s cleaner over there, but I want to lay right here in this mud ’cause I’m white!”

We didn’t adopt him. We’ve been more like foster pawrents. His owner ran into bad times and asked if we would take him until she got back on her feet. That’s been more than 6 months ago and I’m not sure his “mommy” will ever come back for him. It’s sad, but he doesn’t know ‘cause his life is filled with love and promises that he’s a part of our pack. He is just the sweetest thing you’ll ever meet; not a mean bone in his body. Not the brightest thing either, but, like my sister-in-love would say, “At least he’s purdy.” LOL!

Anyway, having 218 lbs. of puppy luv keeps the void that Harmony left, full of hope and laughter.

Harmony has been tugging on my heart especially hard this week. I’m sad, but not in a grieving way. It’s more to do with the realization that all our fur-babies will leave us eventually.

Harmony’s message? Enjoy every fur-ball, lick, look, bark, and growling minute you have with them for tomorrow comes so much quicker for them than it does for us.

Love you guys.

Harmony Watching It Rain

Harmony Watching It Rain

The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long. – Lao Tzu

Why do we live on a planet where each life, whether plant or animal, has its own unique life expectancy?

Every day I come to the Tripawd Forums and read about the loss of another fur baby. Rarely do I ever get online and not feel the rage and heartbreak over the premature delivery of another innocent to the Rainbow Bridge.

We would be better humans if we were more dog.

And they are innocents! Never, ever was there a companion with purer love and devotion than the fur-babies who’ve come in-and-out of our lives. Their capacity to love through any emotion we throw at them is unfathomable. To wag their tail or greet us with a “kiss” when they’ve just come out of surgery or chemo is truly love in the purest form. And what about all those sweet rescued souls who lived lives of abuse and neglect? Whether they hobble across the floor or run, the outcome is the same; unrequited devotion.

We should be more dog.

But the truth is, their lives weren’t meant to be as long as ours. Maybe it’s because we were charged in the Garden of Eden to take care of the plants and animals. We can’t do that if our life expectancy is short. There are so many more in need and my heart has plenty of room.

There is a price to be paid for such a love. Harmony gave of it freely as did all the others. I can only hope to live by their example.

Be more dog.

R.I.P. Saint Harmony

R.I.P. Saint Harmony

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